The Hell’s Paradise( Jigokuraku) manga, has debuted on the Webtoon app as of October 22nd, 2024. Th third member of the’ Dark Trio‘ has come to the platform, with a full on reformat and colorful panels. It has been 4 years since Jigokuraku ended with its 127th chapter back in 2021. The series was re-ignited by Studio Mappa with an anime adaptation in 2023. But now the series can be read and enjoyed in a new format from the manga.
With the increase of popularity on Manhwa and Webtoons, it seems Japan has seen the potential that this may bring. As you may know the Manga format is very hard to translate digitally. From panels that are not exactly scaled from a page to a screen format, to double spreads that have flare removed from then when digitized, some manga series don’t get the digital treatment they need.
Since manga artists draw and write using a book format for the multiple weekly magazines in Japan, when they are translated to digital, adjustments need to be made for easy readability. This is seen on the official Viz website and Manga Plus app, that do offer digital manga reads for your favorite series. This is done in black and white and not that much is changed from the paper version which brings problems while reading.
This is mostly present when reading on a small screen of a phone. This is why a Webtoon format is the best for easy readability of your favorite series. From the text that are scaled perfectly to your screen to colors that make your jaw drop, Webtoons and Manhwa are easily readable because of this. This is because they are made to be read on a phone of a screen. Manga are made to be read in a paper( book) format, so if you want people to read your series digitally, the Webtoon format is the best.
Jigokuraku getting a Webtoon adaptation is the best for the series since the format and coloring will make it more easy to read, and accessible to many fans. The Jigokuraku Webtoon already has 17 episodes behind a ‘ Daily Pass’ wall with 3 episodes free. This is a win for Webtoon readers and fans who loved the manga before it ended. Seeing Gabimaru’s journey in a new light will be a feast for the eyes. Click on the link below to read Hell’s Paradise on Webtoon, at