In a collaboration from Studio Toho Animation, and Studio OLM, a new illustration has been dropped showcasing Maomao and Jinshi in all their glory as we approach the second season. Its been about a year since the first season of The Apothecary Diaries aired in the fall of 2023, and fans have been eagerly waiting for a season 2 ever since it ended. Any news from Toho would make a fine meal for Apothecary Diaries fans. Seeing Maomao’s and Jinshi’s blooming relationship was a feast to the eyes of many and a fresh take to romance anime.
Following a female protagonist in a romance anime was very rare, not including the writing needed to perfect a character of such difference as Maomao. She is the very definition of a female protagonist who’s author took into thought on how to integrate and compliment the characters around her, to push the narrative that the story is trying to portray. From the ties of Maomao’s lineage to the royal palace and to how that will affect her relationship to Jinshi, the story always finds a way to make the audience engaged. Maomao is an independent woman who knows what life has brought to her table and will use it to its highest potential, if an opportunity presents itself.
Even though a release date has not been announced, we know its coming in 2025. Fans are eagerly waiting to continue this journey with Maomao as she adventures and discovers herself, and comes closer to releasing her relationship with Jinshi. All we can do is wait for the season to arrive.